
Which Of The Following Animals Generally Has The Lowest Volume Of Urine Production


1) A necropsy (postmortem assay) of a marine ocean star that died after it was mistakenly placed in fresh water would likely testify that it died considering
A) information technology was stressed and needed more than time to acclimate to the new weather condition.
B) it was and so hyperosmotic to the fresh water that information technology could not osmoregulate.
C) the body of water star'due south kidneys could not handle the change in ionic content presented by the fresh water.
D) its contractile vacuoles ruptured.
E) its cells dehydrated and lost the ability to metabolize.


two) Organisms categorized every bit osmoconformers are most likely
A) found in freshwater lakes and streams.
B) marine.
C) amphibious.
D) constitute in arid terrestrial environments.
E) found in terrestrial environments with acceptable moisture.


3) The body fluids of an osmoconformer would exist ________ with its ________ environment.
A) hyperosmotic; freshwater
B) isotonic; freshwater
C) hyperosmotic; saltwater
D) isoosmotic; saltwater
E) hypoosmotic; saltwater


4) Compared to the seawater around them, most marine invertebrates are
A) hyperosmotic.
B) hypoosmotic.
C) isoosmotic.
D) hyperosmotic and isoosmotic.
E) hypoosmotic and isoosmotic.


5) The fluid with the highest osmolarity is
A) distilled h2o.
B) plasma in birds.
C) plasma in mammals.
D) seawater in a tidal pool.
E) estuarine water.


half dozen) Birds that live in marine environments and thus lack access to fresh drinking water
A) osmoregulate without using a transport epithelium for this purpose.
B) beverage seawater and secrete excess ions through their kidneys only.
C) beverage seawater and secrete excess ions mainly through their nasal salt glands.
D) have plasma that is isoosmotic to bounding main water.
E) obtain h2o by eating only osmoregulating casualty.


7) Osmoconforming sharks take in water, every bit needed,
A) by migrating to freshwater rivers to potable fresh water.
B) via osmosis, as their body cells are slightly hyperosmotic to seawater.
C) via active transport of water beyond the cells on their gills.
D) by water diffusion from seawater, which is hyperosmotic to the fluids in their cells.
E) by selective transport of h2o molecules beyond the wall of the gut.


8) A human who has no access to fresh water but is forced to drink seawater instead
A) will thrive under such conditions, every bit long as he has lived at the body of water most of his life.
B) will excrete more than water molecules than taken in, because of the high load of ion ingestion.
C) will develop structural changes in the kidneys to adjust the salt overload.
D) will find that drinking saltwater satiates his thirst.
Eastward) will risk becoming overhydrated within 12 hours.


9) Many marine and freshwater bony fish attain osmoregulation via
A) loss of h2o through the gills.
B) gain of salt through the gills.
C) loss of water in the urine.
D) no drinking of water.
E) gain of water through food.


10) Unlike nearly bony fishes, sharks maintain torso fluids that are isoosmotic to seawater, so they are considered past many to be osmoconformers. Nonetheless, these sharks osmoregulate at least partially by
A) using their gills and kidneys to rid themselves of bounding main salts.
B) monitoring aridity at the cellular level with special gated aquaporins.
C) tolerating loftier urea concentrations that residuum internal salt concentrations to seawater osmolarity.
D) synthesizing trimethylamine oxide, a chemical that binds and precipitates salts inside cells.
E) possessing a special adaptation that allows their cells to operate at an extraordinarily high salt concentration.


eleven) The necropsy (postmortem assay) of a freshwater fish that died after existence placed accidentally in saltwater would likely show that
A) loss of water past osmosis from cells in vital organs resulted in jail cell death and organ failure.
B) high amounts of salt had diffused into the fish's cells, causing them to keen and lyse.
C) the kidneys were not able to keep upwardly with the water removal necessary in this hyperosmotic environment, creating an irrevocable loss of homeostasis.
D) the gills became encrusted with common salt, resulting in inadequate gas exchange and a resulting asphyxiation.
E) brain cells lysed as a event of increased osmotic pressure in this hyperosmotic surround, leading to expiry by loss of autonomic function.


12) Urea is produced in the
A) liver from NH₃ and CO₂.
B) liver from glycogen.
C) kidneys from glucose.
D) kidneys from glycerol and fatty acids.
E) bladder from uric acid and H₂O.


13) Urea is
A) insoluble in water.
B) more toxic to human cells than ammonia.
C) the chief nitrogenous waste product of humans.
D) the primary nitrogenous waste production of most birds.
E) the main nitrogenous waste product of almost aquatic invertebrates.


14) Which nitrogenous waste material has the greatest number of nitrogen atoms?
A) ammonia
B) ammonium ions
C) urea
D) uric acid


15) Ammonia is likely to be the primary nitrogenous waste in living conditions that include
A) lots of fresh water flowing beyond the gills of a fish.
B) lots of seawater, such as a bird living in a marine environment.
C) lots of seawater, such equally a marine mammal (due east.grand., a polar carry).
D) a terrestrial environment, such equally that supporting crickets.
E) a moist system of burrows, such every bit those of naked mole rats.


16) Among vertebrate animals, urea
A) is made in the kidneys and immediately excreted.
B) is added to the air in the lungs to be exhaled, along with carbon dioxide.
C) is fabricated in the liver by combining 2 ammonia molecules with one carbon dioxide.
D) is fabricated in the pancreas and added to the intestinal contents, forth with bile salts, for excretion.
E) is rarely the nitrogenous waste material of pick.


17) The nitrogenous waste that requires the most energy to produce is
A) ammonia.
B) ammonium.
C) urea.
D) uric acrid.


18) Excessive formation of uric acrid crystals in humans leads to
A) a condition called diabetes, where excessive urine formation occurs.
B) a condition of insatiable thirst and excessive urine formation.
C) gout, a painful inflammatory disease that primarily affects the joints.
D) the absenteeism of urea in the urine.
E) osteoarthritis, an inevitable outcome of aging.


19) Ammonia
A) is soluble in water.
B) can be stored in the body as a precipitate.
C) has low toxicity relative to urea.
D) is metabolically more expensive to synthesize than urea.
East) is the major nitrogenous waste excreted past insects.


xx) The advantage of excreting nitrogenous wastes equally urea rather than every bit ammonia is that
A) urea can be exchanged for Na+.
B) urea is less toxic than ammonia.
C) urea requires more than water for excretion than ammonia.
D) urea does not affect the osmolar gradient.
E) less nitrogen is removed from the trunk.


21) The primary nitrogenous waste excreted by birds is
A) ammonia.
B) nitrate.
C) nitrite.
D) urea.
Eastward) uric acid.


22) Which nitrogenous waste requires hardly whatever water for its excretion?
A) amino acids
B) urea
C) uric acrid
D) ammonia
East) nitrogen gas


23) In animals, nitrogenous wastes are produced mostly from the catabolism of
A) starch and cellulose.
B) triglycerides and steroids.
C) proteins and nucleic acids.
D) phospholipids and glycolipids.
Eastward) fatty acids and glycerol.


24) Birds secrete uric acid as their nitrogenous waste matter considering uric acrid
A) is readily soluble in h2o.
B) is metabolically less expensive to synthesize than other excretory products.
C) requires little h2o for nitrogenous waste disposal, thus reducing body mass.
D) excretion allows birds to alive in desert environments.


25) Amongst the following choices, the near full-bodied urine is excreted by
A) frogs.
B) kangaroo rats.
C) humans.
D) desert tortoises.
Due east) birds.


26) Materials are returned to the blood from the filtrate by which of the post-obit processes?
A) filtration
B) ultrafiltration
C) selective reabsorption
D) secretion
E) active transport


27) Excretory structures known as protonephridia are present in
A) flatworms.
B) earthworms.
C) insects.
D) vertebrates.
East) cnidarians.


28) Excretory organs known as Malpighian tubules are present in
A) earthworms.
B) flatworms.
C) insects.
D) jellyfish.
E) sea stars.


29) The osmoregulatory/excretory organization of a freshwater flatworm is based on the functioning of
A) protonephridia.
B) metanephridia.
C) Malpighian tubules.
D) nephrons.
Eastward) ananephredia.


thirty) Freshwater flatworms class a urine that is typically
A) of high solute concentration, in club to conserve body fluids.
B) of very low volume, in club to conserve body fluids.
C) of high solute concentration and very low volume, in club to conserve body fluids.
D) of high solute concentration and of high volume, matching their normal fluid uptake.
E) of depression solute concentration and of high book, matching their normal fluid uptake.


31) The osmoregulatory process called secretion refers to the
A) germination of filtrate at an excretory structure.
B) reabsorption of nutrients from a filtrate.
C) selective elimination of excess ions and toxins from body fluids.
D) formation of an osmotic slope along an excretory structure.
Due east) expulsion of urine from the body.


32) The osmoregulatory/excretory system of an earthworm is based on the operation of
A) protonephridia.
B) metanephridia.
C) Malpighian tubules.
D) nephrons.
East) ananephredia.


33) The osmoregulatory/excretory organization of an insect is based on the operation of
A) protonephridia.
B) metanephridia.
C) Malpighian tubules.
D) nephrons.
E) ananephredia.


34) Which of the post-obit pairs of organisms excrete nitrogenous wastes in the form of uric acid?
A) mice and birds
B) insects and birds
C) lions and horses
D) humans and frogs
E) fish and turtles


35) Choose a pair that correctly associates the mechanism for osmoregulation or nitrogen removal with the appropriate fauna.
A) metanephridiumflatworm
B) Malpighian tubulefrog
C) kidneyinsect
D) flame bulbsnake
E) direct cellular commutationmarine invertebrate


36) An excretory organisation that is partly based on the filtration of fluid under high hydrostatic pressure level is the
A) flame bulb organization of flatworms.
B) protonephridia of rotifers.
C) metanephridia of earthworms.
D) Malpighian tubules of insects.
Eastward) kidneys of vertebrates.


37) The transfer of fluid from the glomerulus to Bowman's capsule
A) results from active transport.
B) transfers large molecules equally hands equally minor ones.
C) is very selective as to which subprotein-sized molecules are transferred.
D) is mainly a effect of blood pressure in the capillaries of the glomerulus.
E) ordinarily includes the transfer of carmine blood cells into Bowman's sheathing.


38) Within a normally functioning kidney, blood tin be found in
A) the vasa recta.
B) Bowman's capsule.
C) the loop of Henle.
D) the proximal tubule.
Due east) the collecting duct.


39) A person with alkalosis will likely excrete urine that has abnormally high levels of
A) bicarbonate ions.
B) sodium ions.
C) glucose.
D) ammonia.
Eastward) NaOH.


40) The filtrate in the renal pelvis enters directly from
A) the loop of Henle.
B) the collecting duct.
C) Bowman's capsule.
D) the proximal tubule.
Due east) the glomerulus.


41) Juxtamedullary nephrons tin can concentrate table salt effectively in the renal medulla considering of their long
A) loops of Henle.
B) distal convoluted tubules.
C) Bowman'southward capsules.
D) proximal convoluted tubules.
E) glomeruli.


42) The filtrate in the proximal convoluted tubule of the human being does not usually include
A) ions.
B) glucose.
C) plasma proteins.
D) amino acids.
E) dissolved gasses.


43) Homo urine is ordinarily more acidic than most other body fluids because
A) hydrogen ions are actively moved into the filtrate.
B) the sodium transporter exchanges one hydrogen ion for each sodium ion.
C) excreted plasma proteins are nearly all acidic ions.
D) excreted amino acids are in abundance.
E) potassium and sodium exchange generates lots of acidity.


44) The osmolarity of homo urine
A) can be four times as great as normal osmolarity of human plasma.
B) is always exactly equal to plasma osmolarity.
C) is always less than plasma osmolarity.
D) is always greater than plasma osmolarity.
Eastward) is determined primarily by the concentration of glucose.


45) A primary reason that the kidneys accept one of the highest metabolic rates of all body organs is that
A) it stores the body'south backlog fats.
B) it has membranes of varying permeability to water.
C) it operates an extensive fix of active-transport ion pumps.
D) information technology is the torso's simply means of shedding excess nutrients.
E) it has an abundance of myogenic smooth musculus.


46) Low selectivity of solute movement is a characteristic of
A) salt pumping to command osmolarity.
B) H+ pumping to control pH.
C) reabsorption mechanisms along the proximal tubule.
D) filtration from the glomerular capillaries.
Due east) secretion along the distal tubule.


47) If ATP production in a human kidney was suddenly halted, urine production would
A) come to a consummate halt.
B) decrease, and the urine would be hypoosmotic compared to plasma.
C) increase, and the urine would be isoosmotic compared to plasma.
D) increment, and the urine would be hyperosmotic compared to plasma.
Eastward) decrease, and the urine would be isoosmotic compared to plasma.


48) Compared to wetland mammals, water conservation in mammals of barren regions is enhanced past having more
A) juxtamedullary nephrons.
B) Bowman's capsules.
C) ureters.
D) podocytes.
E) urinary bladders.


49) Processing of filtrate in the proximal and distal tubules
A) achieves the sorting of plasma proteins co-ordinate to size.
B) achieves the conversion of toxic ammonia to less toxic urea.
C) maintains homeostasis of pH in torso fluids.
D) regulates the speed of blood flow through the nephrons.
Due east) reabsorbs urea to maintain osmotic balance.


fifty) In humans, the ship epithelial cells in the ascending loop of Henle
A) are the largest epithelial cells in the torso.
B) are not in contact with interstitial fluid.
C) have plasma membranes of low permeability to h2o.
D) have 50% of their jail cell mass made of smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
E) are not affected by high levels of nitrogenous wastes.


51) The typical osmolarity of human claret is
A) xxx mosm/50.
B) 100 mosm/Fifty.
C) 200 mosm/L.
D) 300 mosm/L.
E) 500 mosm/L.


52) Trauma to the human kidney could result in a urinary filtrate containing an abnormally high level of
A) fat acids.
B) glucose.
C) salts.
D) erythrocytes.
E) vitamins.


53) When stimulated by aldosterone, the reabsorption of Na+ is increased along
A) the loop of Henle.
B) the collecting duct.
C) Bowman'south capsule.
D) the proximal tubule.
E) the distal tubule.


54) Increased ADH secretion is likely later on
A) drinking lots of pure water.
B) sweating-induced aridity increases plasma osmolarity.
C) ingestion of ethanol (drinking alcoholic drinks).
D) eating a small sugary snack.
E) blood pressure is abnormally high.


55) Later blood flow is artificially reduced at 1 kidney, y'all would expect that kidney to secrete more than of the hormone known every bit
A) erythropoietin.
B) angiotensinogen.
C) renin.
D) antidiuretic hormone.
Eastward) atrial natriuretic peptide.


56) Afterwards drinking alcoholic beverages, increased urine excretion is the result of
A) increased aldosterone production.
B) increased blood pressure.
C) inhibited secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH).
D) increased reabsorption of water in the proximal tubule.
Due east) the osmoregulator cells of the brain increasing their activity.


57) Osmoregulatory aligning via the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone organization can be triggered past
A) sleeping for one hour.
B) severe sweating on a hot twenty-four hour period.
C) eating a bag of potato chips.
D) eating a pizza with olives and pepperoni.
East) drinking several spectacles of water.


58) Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) functions at the cellular level past
A) stimulating the reabsorption of glucose through channel proteins.
B) triggering the synthesis of an enzyme that makes the phospholipid bilayer more than permeable to water.
C) causing membranes to include more phospholipids that accept unsaturated fatty acids.
D) causing an increment in the number of aquaporin molecules of collecting duct cells.
E) decreasing the speed at which filtrate flows through the nephron, leading to increased reabsorption of water.


59) ADH and RAAS work together in maintaining osmoregulatory homeostasis through which of the post-obit ways?
A) ADH regulates the osmolarity of the blood and RAAS regulates the volume of the blood.
B) ADH regulates the osmolarity of the blood by altering renal reabsorption of h2o, and RAAS maintains the osmolarity of the blood past stimulating Na+ reabsorption.
C) ADH and RAAS work antagonistically; ADH stimulates water reabsorption during dehydration and RAAS causes increased excretion of water when information technology is in excess in body fluids.
D) both stimulate the adrenal gland to secrete aldosterone, which increases both claret volume and pressure via its receptors in the urinary bladder.
E) by combining at the receptor sites of proximal tubule cells, where reabsorption of essential nutrients takes place.


card image

Use the following structural formulas to identify the following items

threescore) Which of the post-obit is excreted readily by aquatic animals because of its high solubility in the respiratory medium?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) E


card image

Use the following structural formulas to identify the following items

61) Which of the post-obit is synthesized by mammals, almost amphibians, sharks, and some bony fishes, and has lower toxicity than its nitrogenous substrate?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
East) East


card image

Apply the following structural formulas to identify the following items

62) Which of the following is excreted every bit a paste past land snails, insects, birds, and many reptiles, considering of its solubility and toxicity backdrop?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) Eastward


63) In a laboratory experiment with three groups of students, one group drinks pure h2o, a second group drinks an equal amount of beer, and a third group drinks an equal amount of concentrated salt solution, all during the same fourth dimension catamenia. Their urine production is monitored for several hours. Which groups are expected to have the greatest and least amounts of urine, respectively?
A) Beer drinkers have the nearly; salt solution drinkers have the to the lowest degree.
B) Common salt solution drinkers have the nigh; water drinkers accept the to the lowest degree.
C) H2o drinkers have the almost; beer drinkers have the to the lowest degree.
D) Beer drinkers have the most; water drinkers have the least.
E) At that place will be no meaning difference between these groups.


64) Unlike an earthworm's metanephridia, a mammalian nephron
A) is intimately associated with a capillary network.
B) forms urine past changing fluid limerick inside a tubule.
C) functions in both osmoregulation and excretion.
D) receives filtrate from blood instead of coelomic fluid.
E) has a transport epithelium.


65) Which procedure in the nephron is to the lowest degree selective?
A) filtration
B) reabsorption
C) active ship
D) secretion
E) salt pumping by the loop of Henle


66) Which of the following animals more often than not has the lowest volume of urine product?
A) a vampire bat
B) a salmon in fresh water
C) a marine bony fish
D) a freshwater bony fish
Eastward) a shark inhabiting freshwater Lake Nicaragua


67) The loftier osmolarity of the renal medulla is maintained by all of the following except
A) diffusion of salt from the thin segment of the ascending limb of the loop of Henle.
B) active send of table salt from the upper region of the ascending limb.
C) the spatial system of juxtamedullary nephrons.
D) improvidence of urea from the collecting duct.
Eastward) diffusion of salt from the descending limb of the loop of Henle.


68) Natural selection should favor the highest proportion of juxtamedullary nephrons in which of the following species?
A) a river otter
B) a mouse species living in a tropical pelting forest
C) a mouse species living in a temperate broadleaf forest
D) a mouse species living in a desert
E) a beaver


69) African lungfish, which are often found in small stagnant pools of fresh water, produce urea as a nitrogenous waste. What is the advantage of this accommodation?
A) Urea takes less energy to synthesize than ammonia.
B) Small stagnant pools do not provide plenty water to dilute the toxic ammonia.
C) The highly toxic urea makes the pool uninhabitable to potential competitors.
D) Urea forms an insoluble precipitate.
E) Urea makes lungfish tissue hypoosmotic to the puddle.


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